nyx jumbo eye pencil yogurt review indonesia

by - 01.34

shade i have : yogurt
why i bought this : dapet clearance sale cuma 40ribuuuuu huehehehhehe. actually i won't buy kalo warnanya pun tidak senonoh dan tida sreg di hati sih. i feel lucky!

why yogurt: it's good for EVERY SKIN TONE. promise you. warnanya super universal. pink metal2 gitu ya, or i might say champagne?

pros: bagus warnanya, last all day, cheap price. harga normal rata2 70-80rb, so many colour choices.
cons: belum nemu tuh. so far i luvvv this :)

here comes the review.

sebenernya aku udah pernah beli shade paling HYPE dan DABOMB yaitu MILK.
but i hated it and i decide to sell it again, rugi 30rb cyin beda 2 hari doank :((((

so many bloggers use it as an eyeshadow base, highlighter and strober(?) , and since i'm always on a budjet, i thought the "milk" would be a great deal to buy.

eke salah.

ga enak dipakenya,hard to blend, dan agak keset ya..jadi ga puas deh.. i didnt buy another shade because that time i  already have a palette that i use a lot. mengirit, jgn beli yang ga perlu kan :)

oia, aku pake eyeshadow diatasnya tuh pake nyx palette yang smokey dan adorable yang super UNPIGMENTED dan aku ngarep dong supaya pake ini jadi "pop" gitu warnanya.

but, yeah
nothing happened.

forget the past, cherish the future.

let's see the swatches!

1. penampakannya gan
nyx jumbo eye pencil yogurt

with no flash, cantik yaaaa

nyx jumbo eye pencil yogurt swatch

with flash

dipake ke mata fotonya ilang, tapi nanti update kalo udah dipake ke mata yah.

what it feels: it's totally different from the MILK one. ini soft, smooth banget apply ke mata, nyaman banget, yang paling bikin seneng ya no flake at all secara dia krim :) sheennya bagusss dan aku brani jamin cocok sama kulit manapun.

so for the score

shade yang aku rekomendasiin: oyster, lavender, cottage chesse, iced mocha, french fries, and gold. pokoknya semua yang ngga matte deh.

klik link INI kalo mau direct link ke google images complete shades of this little baby :)

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